Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Know You're An RCP When:

You Know You're An RCP When:

- "clubbing" no longer refers to the hitting up of the bar scene downtown
- you call someone "SOB" and are NOT calling them a son of a bitch
- you look at bigger people with no necks and think "man, they'd be a difficult intubation"
- SpO2, MDI, SOBOE, DPI, COPD, IPPB, FiO2 and R/A all mean something to you
- you DON'T encourage people to use cough medicines
- you measure the amount someone smokes in pack years
- you can hear the phrase "pulmonary toilet" and not laugh
- you know the alveolar air equation backwards and forwards, in your sleep
- you know that the "breathing tube" doesn't actually go down the "throat" per se
- "pink and frothy" no longer describes that strawberry shake you had for lunch
- "blue bloater/pink puffer" means something to you
- you realize people really have no clue how to use an Aerochamber
- you get paged to use a "vibrator" while at work, and it's perfectly acceptable and even requested by staff and patients - you can measure someone's RR just by walking by the patient
- you've been shot by an uncovered trach - you know there's an "H", a "G" and no "F" in phlegm
- you call it a "ventilator", not a "respirator"
- you measure things by color, consistancy and smell
- you know "BiPAP" doesn't involve a smear
- A/C no longer stands for "air-conditioning"
- you take the best damn care of any patient

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